The sages of ancient India said, tamaso ma jyotir gama—”Don’t stay in darkness, go toward the light.”People should embark on the quest for enlightenment.”This book, The Quest for Enlightenment, Srila Prabhupada shows us the true path of enlightenment and invites us to traverse this path from the dark night of materialism to the shining daylight of transcendence. Quest for Enlightenment presents answers to the perennial questions that have stirred the hearts of philosophers. Is it possible to unravel the puzzle of God, creation, and human existence?
The first chapter of this book describes the need to embark on the quest for enlightenment. The second explains what matter is, what spirit is, and who controls them both. In the third chapter we learned about the attributes of the best kind of spiritual master to guide us on our personal quest.The fourth chapter outlines the techniques of yoga and meditation, and the fifth chapter explores spiritual solutions to material problems. In the sixth chapter Srila Prabhupada critiques modern science and philosophy.And seventh and final chapter SrilaPrabhupada explains love of God, the highest goal for those on the path of transcendence.
The Quest for Enlightenment provides a comprehensible guide to the path of spiritual progress. Srila Prabhupada speaks the truth without compromise.And through his unique gift he communicates the most essential Vedic teachings to the world, inviting us all to embark on the journey that will take us from darkness to light, from the unreal to real, from death to immortality.Quest for Enlightenment presents the timeless Vedic teaching on Yoga, meditation, reincarnation and self- realization that have helped countless seekers in their search for ultimate peace and happiness.
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