Srimad Bhagavatam Leela


Once upon a time sage Narada Muni along with His  transcendental friend Parvat Muni were on a visit to this material planet earth. While traveling they came across a hunter named Mrigari who was ruthlessly chopping hands and legs of innocent animals relishing and deriving satisfaction out of it. Narada muni inquired from the hunter about this cruel act and the hunter replied that He enjoys doing so. Hunter also added that he does all this to fulfill the bellies of his family members by robbing the travelers who crossed this path. Narada muni explained to him the laws of karma and asked him to inquire from his family members and relatives if they would bear the results of the karmic reaction equally or partially with him. Mrigari did so by asking them all if they would share the deeds of his karma and all his family members bluntly refused.

By the mercy of sage Narada the cruel hunter Mrigari was blessed with transcendental vision and he accepted Narada as his spiritual master and completely surrendered unto Him. Universal traveler divine sage Narada instructed him the first and the foremost to completely stop these sinful activities and chant the holy name of the Lord Sri Krishna “HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE” before the sacred tulsi plant after shaving his head. Marigari questioned his Guru that how would his basic needs be fulfilled and Narada said to have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names as the holy name and the Lord Sri Krishna are completely on the absolute platform and non different from each other. 

Obeying the orders of his spiritual master Mrigari completely surrendered and followed the instructions. In the short span of time he could see people struck with wonder about the drastic change in him and started respecting him for performing devotion and becoming a devotee. Some gave him grains, some people vegetables, some fruits and thus his basic requirements automatically got fulfilled. Later when Narada muni and sage Parvat muni thought of visiting his disciple Mrigari out of His causeless mercy they both were astonished to find Mrigari running to pay obeisance to his spiritual master. The surprising action was that he was very cautious to walk on the path zigzag as he did not even want a small ant to be smashed or crushed under his feet considering it a sinful act. His heart had completely melted and softened. He was kind even to a small ant considering the soul within it as part and partial of Lord Sri krishna . Narada was very pleased with his disciple’s behavior and thus He blessed him by asking to chant the holy names regularly throughout his life. So from this story one can be benefited by coming a devotee and surrendering unto one’s spiritual master. The holy name in itself provides  all perfection and Lord Sri krishna provides what all is needed to his devotee and protects his possessions. If you like this block post please share it with your loved ones and others and get a Prabhupad book now.